Seokweon Jung

Ph.D. Student



Seoul National University

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Greetings! My name is Seokweon Jung (정석원), and I am currently a Ph.D. student with the Human Computer Interaction Lab at Seoul National University, advised by Prof.Jinwook Seo.

In my research endeavors, I have explored a range of topics within Visual Analytics, Dynamic Network Analysis, and Human-AI Collaboration. My recent interests lie in developing innovative methods that leverage both visualization and machine learning techniques to aid in the analysis of dynamic network data.

Feel free to contact me if you’d like to get in touch!!


Apr 04, 2024 Opened my homepage!

selected publications

  1. MoNetExplorer: A Visual Analytics System for Analyzing Dynamic Networks with Temporal Network Motifs
    Seokweon Jung, DongHwa Shin , Hyeon Jeon, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023